
This is your guide to Danish for visiting Denmark. In the guide, are important words and phrases that you may use on your travels.

Addressing people:

Hello = Hej

Goodbye = Farvel

Good morning = God morgen

Good day = God dag

Good afternoon = God aften

Cheers = Skål


I would like = Jeg vil gerne

Can I have ... = Kan jeg få ...

You're welcome = Det var så lidt

Thank you = Tak

Sorry = Undskyld

Excuse me = Undskyld mig

Please = Vær venlig

Simple questions:

Do you speak English? = Taler du Engelsk?

How do you say ___ in English? = Hvordan siger man ___ på Engelsk?

How do you say ___ in Danish? = Hvordan siger man ___ på Dansk?

The check, please! = Regningen, tak!

How much does it cost? = Hvad koster det?

How = Hvordan

What = Hvad

Where = Hvor

Answering questions:

Yes = Ja

No = Nej

I don't understand. = Jeg forstår ikke.

I don't know. = Jeg ved det ikke.

Language proficiency:

I don't speak Danish. = Jeg taler ikke Dansk.

I speak a little Danish. = Jeg taler en smule Dansk.

I speak Danish. = Jeg taler Dansk.


With = Med

Without = Uden

Cafe vocabulary:

A little = En smule

Small = Lille

Big = Stor

This = Denne

Coffee = Kaffe

Milk = Mælk

Sugar = Sukker

Restaurant vocabulary:

I have a reservation. = Jeg har en forbehold.

+ for (go to number section) people. = for ___ folk.

+ under (your name). = under ___.

I'm a vegetarian. = Jeg er en vegetar.

Water = Vand

Still water = Stille vand

Sparkling water = Danskvand

Bread = Brød

Meat = Kød

Steak = Bøf

Fish = Fisk

Wine = Vin

Appetizer = Forret

Entree/main course = Hovedretten

Dessert = Dessert


Dog = Hund

Cat = Kat

Bird = Fugl


One = En

Two = To

Three = Tre

Four = Fire

Five = Fem

Six = Seks

Seven = Syv

Eight = Otte

Nine = Ni

Ten = Ti

In trouble:

Help! = Hjælp!

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